All is good ! Crew off to school today....i think the third "snow day" in a row gave them a taste of cabin fever!?
Cath.....I am grand .....thanks for checkin up on me! x The days seem to disappear really quickly & I am far from bored, feeling housebound or frozen!! Dare I say it .......I am loving not working.......sshhh...dont tel!?! x
1/22/2012 01:30:39 pm

Loving the photos - the black thermals are good look! If you get poor you could always send them out to do something illegal!!!!!
Have just printed off all pages and will post them to Patrick - he's not very computer literate!!!!
Love you all
Don't freeze!!

Marg H
1/26/2012 10:44:04 am

HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY!!!!! I hear you made lamingtons and played the national anthem. Well done!!! Keep that Aussie spirit warm!

1/28/2012 05:43:14 pm

Loved reading all about your adventures. Hope this is the right spot to say "hello", and hoping you are enjoying lots of snow activities. Hard to imagine as it's hot and humid here in Sydney! Am watching cricket as usual,Aussie girls doing a great job against Kiwis. They are on first next Wed before the men play India with many matches televised. Maybe Vince you could invent a snow version for your Canadian kids.

1/31/2012 06:48:12 pm

Hey Mary, loving reading the blog. The snow looks amazing ... how do people live like that? I just seems so unmanagable. Needless to say its hot hot hot in g town. We had an unbelievable thunderstorm the other night just for a bit of contradiction. Soph leaves for uni in 2 weeks (the sooner the better really) and Louis has moved home to do vintage so we are one big happy family under one roof .... clearly theres more to that story .... keep the news coming. miss your smiling face. love andrea

Howard & Janice
1/31/2012 07:30:19 pm

Thanks for the postcard today and the additions to the blog. Loved the pix of my parents and my classroom & kids. Great Australia Day story! Forgot to tell you....our very favorite picture is the Jurassic Park ride!! We both laughed out loud because, when we went, we forced our young Cody (7) and Kent (6) on that ride. We're suckers for wet rides! We LOVED it but the boys...not so much! Talk soon. JJ

cody jackson
2/6/2012 03:57:37 pm

hello conlans,glad to hear your having a great time in 4 boys started cricket this past saturday and we all loved it.we are having a "BRILLIANT" time here in australia.loving it.

Marg H
2/9/2012 08:22:10 am

Getting very creative with the Blog!!! It's just so great to hear (and see) that you are all enjoying your Grand Adventure. Miss you all heaps but keep having fun!

cody jackson
2/9/2012 06:00:03 pm

will do.and im so glad you guys enjoyed the ice hockey game!!!well at least the hot chocolate!!!keep having fun

2/15/2012 11:16:54 am

I have been enjoying your photos and stories. It brings back memories of way back when..... Enjoy! (Poke my brother Ralph for me--for no apparent reason)

2/18/2012 02:23:07 pm

Give him a shot for me too. Auntie Bev and I are a lot alike....we even laugh in stereo!

Marg H
2/16/2012 06:55:08 am

Well well - the Northern Lights - what a grand experience for you all - I am jealous!!!!

Marg H
2/22/2012 04:24:49 pm

Well, that was a long weekend and a half!!!! What a fantastic round trip - all right for you Mary but the others had to go back to school! You must have all been exhausted. So glad to see and hear how much fun you are all having.
Love you all and miss you heaps

Marg H
2/24/2012 08:19:02 am

Morning Girls - have the animals been travelling? I do hope so! Michaela will be very upset if they don't!!!!!!!

2/25/2012 06:07:04 pm

Beautiful pictures of your adventures in the mountains! It is so true that we do things in each other's countries and we don't take the time to do great adventures in our own countries! Dog sledding is now on my list!! I'm so glad you are loving the snow as much as we do....I hear you're getting a good dump of it tonight! Enjoy! JJ

Marg H
3/27/2012 02:27:27 pm

What a grand camper!!! Good shopping! Now all that is to come is good camping!!!!
Love you all and miss you heaps! Keep having fun though!

3/27/2012 05:45:28 pm

Do you know who Bonnie is???!! You may have just jinxed your camper!! Better talk to Mom and Dad...... It is awesome though! Enjoy!

4/16/2012 04:29:35 am

Finally found where to leave messages! Love yourcreative blog, love your adventurous spirit, but most of all we love having you all in our lives for a year!

Marg H
4/19/2012 10:08:15 am

I bet Vin was in his element fossil hunting! What an amazing world we live in - and thanks to lot WE get to adventure as well!!!!!!
Love & miss you all but keep having fun!
Marg xxx

Jodi Simmonds
4/27/2012 12:18:08 am

Thanks for a great Anzac Day celebration. Two up is a great game and we had a really great evening. Bailey did ask on the way home...," why don't they just use one coin? Wouldn't it be exactly the same thing without all the extra tossing? Where's the excitement in that I say!

Marg H
5/7/2012 02:54:36 pm

Oh Connagans - what a grand adventure you are on!!! The glaciers etc looked amazing - are you the photographer Mary or is Vin - doesn't matter who - the pics are fantastic.
Josie and Tilda's little blogs are 'interesting'!!!!
Love you lots and miss you heaps

6/10/2012 01:09:50 pm

Oh. My. God. Vince you should
be writing for a living. Hilarious Elk Island report. Rob nearly wet himself at the Pom cricket jabs. Glad you had a good weekend.

Marg H
6/15/2012 08:24:45 am

Grand photos - you are becoming quite the photographer, Mary!!! S,mores sound right up my alley - you will have to show me when you return???? Love you all

6/15/2012 04:22:06 pm

Hope it's still cold!!!! Love ya and miss ya xxx

7/1/2012 09:54:51 am're barely gone and we miss you all already! It's Canada Day so you should be rolling into your coastal departure town. Yah! I hope you all love BC as much as we do. Hope you are having a Happy Canada Day enjoying this great country of ours.


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